Affordable fire-resistant housing

Our current project, to help the Ruidoso area recover from recent fires and floods by building affordable fire-resistant homes.

Hemp has been used for building since ~700 AD.  Fire-resistant blocks are manufactured in the USA and are carbon negative.



From start to finish we pride ourselves on building a home tailored to suit you and your family.


Benefits of a Hemp Home:


Energy Star and HomeStar rated

> Dehumidifies the air in your home, maintaining a healthy home

> Negative Carbon footprint

> Zero V.O.C.’s

> Lower Energy, Utility Bills by 50-75%

> Lower Insurance costs by up to 60%

> Faster build time

> Mass-Enhanced R-Values provide thermal inertia

> Zero Land-Fill

> Affordable


Hempcrete block homes

Sustainable materials used where available to build a healthy comfortable home.

Because hempcrete is bio-based, it is recyclable. When a hempcrete wall or structure reaches the end of its useful life, it can be broken apart and used as a mulch. Just sprinkle around the base of bushes or trees. In time, it will break down with the hemp and lime components becoming beneficial fertilizers. Compare that to other construction materials like steel, aluminum or even straight concrete; which needs to be crushed and usually winds up in a landfill.


Hemp itself is a beneficial crop requiring no fertilizer, weed killer, pesticide or fungicide. It grows so thickly that weeds cannot grow. Farmers grow it in rotation with other crops such as barley or rye. The crop following the hemp requires no weed killer because the hemp has driven weeds out. The hemp seed is harvested as a nutritious food supplement rich in Omega-3 oil, amino acids, protein and fiber. It is considered a “super food”. The outer fibers are used for cloth usually as a blend with 45% cotton. The woody inner core is chopped to uniform size for our use. It has been traditionally used as animal bedding. Thoroughbred horse owners demand it.

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